OUR MISSION: Queen of Heaven Parish is a prayerful, vibrant and proactive community sharing Christ's love through numerous ministries.
Queen of Heaven parish strives to be a prayerful, vibrant, and proactice community sharing Christ's love through numerous ministries. We are dedicated to bulding up the Body of Christ through the sacraments, the scriptures, and the intercession of Mary.
Warmest greetings from the family at Queen of Heaven Parish. We hope you feel at home! Our parish strives to be a Catholic faith community that is prayerful, vibrant and proactive in sharing Christ’s love!
One of the ways we do this is through our many ministries. I encourage you to share your gifts and grow in your faith by being involved. Make a commitment to become active in the vibrant faith life of our parish. You will be amazed at how your own faith grows as you serve the needs of the parish and your brothers and sisters in Christ. See the Spiritual Life tab of our web site or call the church office to find out more about our parish life.
Again, I welcome you to Queen of Heaven. It is my pleasure and honor to be your pastor.
Together, with Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may we journey to the Kingdom as faithful disciples and good stewards of God’s many gifts.
God Bless You,
Father David R. Durkee, Pastor
"If I try by myself to swim across the ocean of this world, the waves will certainly engulf me. In order to survive I must climb aboard a ship made of wood; this wood is the Cross of Christ. Of course, even on board ship there will be dangerous tempests and perils from the sea of this world. But God will help me remain on board the ship and arrive safely at the harbor of eternal life.” ~ St. Augustine