OUR MISSION: Queen of Heaven Parish is a prayerful, vibrant and proactive community sharing Christ's love through numerous ministries.
Donna White, Director of Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult
Susan Mattingly, Assistant Coordinator of PSR, Preschool-8th Grade
Email at: [email protected] or
Call the parish office at: 330-896-2345.
In addition to attending PSR, students and their families are required to do two Spiritual and two Service Activities.
Please see the list below.
Traditionally, students celebrate First Reconciliation and First Communion in the second grade. The children in our PSR second grade will begin preparation for their First Reconciliation and First Communion during class.
2nd Grade Jesus Day Retreat
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Registration begins at 8:15 a.m.
For the First Communicant and parents.
First Holy Communion Day
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10:30 a.m.
First Communicants must be at the church by 9:45 a.m.
The First Communion Mass will be livestreamed via our website at https://queenofheavenparish.org/mass-livestream.
Sacramental preparation guidelines issued by the Diocese of Cleveland stipulate (in part): “Simplicity in dress is in order for all sacramental celebrations.” With this in mind, please make every effort to have your child dress according to the following guidelines:
GIRLS: Should wear all white items – shoes, socks/tights, and dress. White gloves and/or veil are optional.
BOYS: Should wear a suit (i.e., black, navy, brown, gray) with dress shoes. Ties are optional.
Every child deserves an unforgettable First Communion and First Reconciliation experience. And that’s what you’ll give them with Signs of Grace. Each of these short episodes brings the faith to life in a way no other sacramental prep program has ever done before and inspires children to be lifelong Catholics.
For Parents:
Click on one of the titles above and then sign in to Formed with your email address. If you have not made your FREE account yet go to formed.org/signup and pick our parish in the drop-down menu and enter your email address; or visit our webpage FORMED.ORG for more information.
PSR is for students Pre-K-8th grade. Classes run from September through the first weekend of May.
Pre-K & K meet Sundays, 9:30-10:30 a.m., in the Parish Activity Center (PAC), and Grades 1 - 8 meet Sundays, 9:30-10:40 a.m., in the Parish Life Center (PLC).
Registration usually takes place in the summer before classes begin in September. If you are new to the parish and your child is starting classes during the school year please contact Donna White, Director of Faith Formation, Youth & Young Adult at [email protected] or call the parish office at (330) 896-2345.