OUR MISSION: Queen of Heaven Parish is a prayerful, vibrant and proactive community sharing Christ's love through numerous ministries.
A church history booklet titled "Fifty Years in Review: Queen of Heaven Roman Catholic Church and Its People" that was written by Liliana Della-Bianca Shockey can be downloaded below.
Source: “Queen of Heaven, City of Green, Ohio, 1964-2014©”
written and updated by Liliana D.B. Shockey
Queen of Heaven Parish began as a humble mission of St. Francis de Sales Church by Decree of the Diocese of Cleveland on June 11, 1964. Also, on June 11, 1964, the young mission church received an appointed administrator, Reverend Robert C. Hilkert. The first Sunday Mass was celebrated at 9 am on June 28 in the Greensburg Elementary School auditorium/gymnasium. The Greensburg School Board agreed to the use of Green Elementary School at the corner of Greensburg and Thursby Roads (later named Kleckner Elementary recently demolished). Masses would be held at 9 am and 11 am each Sunday. Daily and group meetings in summer were held in parishioner James Coughlin’s family barn, 1174 Nimisila Road; and, according to Reverend Hilkert’s 25th Anniversary program, in winter at the Musarra Chapel, 3332 Arlington Rd. (then a two-lane dirt road).
A 10.0002-acre parcel of land was purchased by the Diocese of Cleveland in 1962 and became the site of the first church building. A parking lot was developed on an adjoining 4-acre tract purchased by the Diocese of Cleveland in November 1964.
A crisp autumn Sunday afternoon, October 2, 1965, was the setting of the cornerstone blessing of Green Township’s newest structure, Queen of Heaven church. A copper capsule, containing the membership roll and history of the parish, along with copies of the Green Township News and Akron Beacon Journal, were cemented into the cornerstone.
The first church building included the 350-seat church and living quarters for the pastor at street level, and a social hall and service/classrooms in the basement.
Church organization flourished from the time of the mission and included Ladies’ Guild, Holy Name Society for men, Queen Teens for high school students, Bible study groups, and the church school of religion for all students.
Queen of Heaven did not need a building fund for construction due to the sacrifice of its parishioners and financial support of St. Francis de Sales and St. Matthews. Both churches were referred to as a “Mother Church” at the cornerstone ceremony.
From Reverend Hilkert’s Nov. 28, 1965 “Queen of Heaven Mission” bulletin: “The Church will officially open on December 8, the Feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception.”
In September 1968, Reverend Robert J. Teknipp arrived and spent the next 22 years as pastor. During that time, a maintenance garage was added. And, as the parish continued to grow, the current rectory/parish administration center (PAC) was built. It housed the pastor’s and housekeeper’s living quarters at ground level, with classrooms and a meeting space in the basement. The pastor’s prior living quarters evolved into additional meeting rooms and became the church’s current office in 2000.
On December 1, 1968, the carved marble statue of the crowned Blessed Virgin, an original from Rome, Italy, was blessed.
The first formal choir was established in the fall of 1972. Then, for a few years there was no choir or director, but a group came together to sing for Christmas Eve Mass and Easter. Queen of Heaven acquired a home organ. And an “adult” choir was formed in 1991. Recognizing the importance of music in enhancing the liturgies, in 2000-2001 the Holy Name Society purchased an electronic organ. A recording of spiritual songs by Queen of Heaven’s choir was made on compact disc during Pedro (PJ) Chavez’s term as director. In 2000 at age 15, Matthew (Matt) Andreski, became keyboard accompanist for the congregational music for the noon Mass. He accompanied the choir 2001-2006 until the end of PJ’s term, and then was accompanist and director of music and continues so today.
Following Reverend Teknipp’s retirement for health reasons, October 22, 1990 brought Reverend Robert E. Pahler, who remained pastor until July 1, 1999, a period of rapid growth for the Church and the new City of Green.
In 1992, with a bequest for supplies, parishioners built a picnic pavilion. Also in 1992, the Bereavement Dinner ministry began and continues to this day.
Queen of Heaven expanded – from 5,000 square feet to 13,000 square feet – and the first Mass in the expanded Church was Christmas Eve, December 24, 1994 – cornerstone reads 1995 – dedication was June 25, 1995. Enhancements to the Church at that time: a digital bell system of carillon church bells and chimes; the stained-glass window behind the choir area of musical notes to “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”; the reredos, the wall of stained glass depicting Jesus’ resurrection behind sanctuary; new baptismal font;
On July 1, 1999, Reverend Pahler retired and Reverend David R. Durkee became pastor.
The first “Bring Your Pets to Mass” was held October 3, 1999. In Reverend Durkee’s homily, he said, “Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life: Jesus Christ is PRO-LIFE;” as if on cue, a dog howled in response!
A new, imposing crucifix was placed over the altar for Easter 2000.
Vacation Bible School began in July 2000 and continues today. Also, in 2000, a monthly Mass was held in the Korean language.
August 11, 2000, the Church grounds increased by 3.27 acres, then totaling 17.331 acres with right of way of 0.551 acres, leaving 16.78 acres for use. The Parish Life Center was constructed on the additional acreage.
On January 9, 2001, the OCD/Scrupulosity Support Group had its first meeting and continues today.
Lent 2001 saw the first fish fry in the basement hall of the Church. Lenten dinners/fish fries continue today, serving up to and over 1,000 plus dinners for each of the six Fridays served.
In 2001, Reverend Durkee was instrumental in re-establishing a chapter of the Holy Name Society. The Spiritual Life Commission was established by Reverend Durkee and held its first meeting was on May 13, 2002. Members of the Commission continue to plan missions and other devotional events compatible with the church seasons. Queen of Heaven also continues to be blessed by many other ministries.
Boy Scout 334 was formed and chartered at Queen of Heaven in November 2002. To date, forty (40) young men have been awarded the Eagle Scout Award.
In November 2002, the Rosary Makers group formed. As of March 31, 2019, with orders pending, 170,000 rosaries packets have been distributed, 45,000 of those have gone to the military services.
New Stations of the Cross plaques were hung in the Church in 2003, with original ones relocated to the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
The Parish Life Center (PLC) was blessed by Bishop Anthony M. Pilla on June 5, 2005 and is dedicated to educating our youth in principles of the Catholic faith and a value-based life, providing a basic discipline by promoting participation in sports and providing a center for social interaction. The PLC social hall was named “Roberts Hall” to honor our three former pastors, each having the first name “Robert.” Classrooms and the hall can be rented as meeting rooms by other groups or organizations.
In 2007 a gift shop was opened at the northeast corner of the gathering space, then closed in 2009, reopened in enlarged form in December 2010 and continues today.
The Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel was dedicated on Sunday February 10, 2008. The Chapel is open to all and provides an intimate space for prayer and meditation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
On Monday, May 21, 1918 at Queen of Heaven, the Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez, Bishop of the Cleveland Diocese, celebrated the new feast day “Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church,” declared to be held the Monday following Pentecost. He also blessed the new Stations-of-the-Cross concrete walkway, an Eagle Scout project, with the twelfth Station portrayed by a twelve-foot, above-ground cross with a life-size statue of Christ affixed to the cross.
With the addition of a Sunday 5 pm Mass September 16, 2018, along with Matt on keyboard and drummer Scott Datsko, PJ Chavez returned to add more instrumentation, playing guitar and adding his voice in song.
A new digital organ soloed and accompanied the singing at the Christmas Eve Masses at 4 pm, 6 pm, 8 pm and accompanied the Adult Choir program at 10 pm before the 10:30 pm Mass; and on Christmas Day the 10 am and noon Masses. Purchased from Allen Organ Company, PA, it reproduces the sound of a traditional pipe organ, has 48 advanced digital signal processors with superior sound and can reproduce the sound of pipe organs around the world. On February 10, 2019, an Organ Dedication Concert, blessing and inaugural recital, took place with Lynn Frey-Steward, CAGO, MM, on organ (Music Director, Choirmaster, Organist for St. Sebastian Church, Akron).
Many religious have served Queen of Heaven. July 1970, in a new role for nuns, Akron Dominican Sister M. Francine Stalter received permission to assist with distributing communion during Masses. Reverend Samuel R. Ciccolini was appointed Associate Pastor and served Queen of Heaven from 1976 to 1980. He returned to serving Queen of Heaven in June 2015, by assisting in the celebration of Mass when needed. Humility of Mary Sister Mary Jane Simmons August 1, 1991 to June 30, 1994 and Humility of Mary Sister Linda Valasik from September 1992 to June 30, 1994.
Three Parochial Vicars have served at Queen of Heaven: Reverend Thomas P. Kowatch – August 1, 2007-July 1, 2010; Reverend Joseph P. O’Donnell – December 1, 2010-June 10-2014; Reverend James T. Klein – June 10, 2014-June 9, 2015.
Deacons (Reverend Mr.) serving Queen of Heaven: Deacon Frank Lonteen part-time basis December 1, 1990 to May 2002; Deacon James A. White, Sr. served as Director of Education July 1, 1994 to February 2000; Deacon Louis M. Centric October 28, 2000 to March 14, 2004; Deacon Robert C. Bender May 11, 2002 to June 30, 2016 shared with neighboring cluster parish Nativity of Our Lord Jesus; Deacon Stephen C. Makara June 13, 2017 to present.
Queen of Heaven daughter Mary Masters became Sister Kateri Rose of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia Congregation on July 24, 2010, and currently is principal at St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School in Woodbridge, VA. Queen of Heaven son John J. Hirnikl was ordained a permanent deacon on May 2, 2015 and currently serves Blessed Trinity, Akron.
Many projects by parishioners and Scout Troop 334 beautify the Church and grounds reflecting how lives are intertwined forever by gifts of love and service. Queen of Heaven spiritually celebrates many of our nation’s holidays and has a presence in the community, with its parishioners striving to and actively participating in its leadership, activities and events.